A review by fortheloveoffictionalworlds
How to Seduce a Scot by Christy English


I received an eARC of the book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The chemistry (read: antagonism) between a English and Scottish is legendary and by that i mean, Historically proven, so when you read a blurb that hints at a Highlander not interested in English customs but would fall for a English Lady, it should have been sparkling with embers and the chemistry should have set even my electronic reader on fire!

But did that happen? Nope. This book fell flat on almost counts, except Alexander - that man was the epitome of a Scottish Highlander and pretty much was on point as a character. But his Lady? nope. Catherine was perfectly lovely but that's all she was! The epitome of an English Lady, she had no hidden depths except a fierce loyalty to her family and that somehow made her character 2-dimensional.

The writing also lacked the spark, the dialogues were lacking in wittiness and humor and somehow that made it all the more impossible to actually connect with the characters in the story!

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