A review by trisha_thomas
The Insiders by Tijan


"Kids who grew up wanting nothing, who had the power to get anything. They could use people for their games."

Please take my rating with a grain of salt - if alpha males and insta-attraction is your jam, head on over to those 4 and 5 star reviews.....

As for me, I just didn't feel a pull in to this story. It really starts with a bang - and I was intrigued to start. But quickly we got into the day to day mundane stuff of life and the story slowed way down. I wasn't terribly interested in the family or Bailey getting to know anyone. Her days of lock down and the orgies she witnessed with Matt were just distractions in a story that didn't seem to be going anywhere.

Finally around the 80% mark, the action picked back up but by then, the story had pretty well lost me. I wasn't into the drama of the two or his backstory. fun, interesting cover, I just wish I'd liked it more.

An e-ARC was provided to me by the author and publishing via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.