A review by ksoreads
Gena/Finn by Hannah Moskowitz, Kat Helgeson


*I was sent an ARC of this story in exchange for an honest review.*

1. The authors love Supernatural (which is the only reason I read it, if we're just being real here)
2. It's told through Internet communications
3. "Be Evanson or you can't be in our cosplay"

This book has so much to offer as long as you go into it knowing it's not just another lighthearted story with no depth. It got straight to the points that needed to be made & didn't add unnecessary scenes for the sake of the book's length.

I enjoyed the characters Charlie and Finn throughout the story because, though they didn't always agree, I could always understand both of their view points. Zack was also another favorite!

I will say that Gena just wasn't my favorite except for when she was with Zack or Steven.

I don't really have anything to say about it since it was very character-driven (just like Up Below!)

Besides Gena, there were only 3 small problems I had with the story:

1. After about page 200, I couldn't tell if it was Gena or Finn speaking (primarily in the notes addressed "to you")
2. Since it was an ARC, there wasn't any art shown.** This wasn't a huge deal, but it took away just a bit from the story to not be able to visualize the artwork they were describing.
3. This is the most minor detail ever, but they didn't refer to it as "the fandom." Instead they just said "fandom." (Like I said, super minor detail. Just nitpicking.)

All in all, I think the book does an astonishing job of exploring PTSD, bisexuality, & internet friends.

1. People who have made friends online
2. Supernatural fans (there's a few parallels on their show, Up Below)
3. People who read fan fiction
4. Fans of the book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

**This isn't the authors' fault by any means (or anyone's fault, really). I've since contacted the publisher requesting a PDF of the artwork AND IT IS AMAZING! Thanks Chronicle Books! :)