A review by yvo_about_books
The Academy by Robert Dugoni


Finished reading: June 5th 2022

"Her father had told her that guns were like his patients. Each had its own peculiarities. The best doctors and shooters were the ones who learned to work with them."


I confess that I don't usually read the novellas of a series, but Jonetta @ Blue Mood CafĂ© told me that in this case they would provide me with important background of the main character Tracy Crosswhite. Since I don't have the time to read all the remaining sequels before turning to my ARC of book nine, I decided to jump in and read both novellas in one go. The Academy is first, and tells us the story of how Tracy first signed up for the police academy and what happened during her training. It gives us more background on her troubled dynamics with Detective Johnny Nolasco, who doesn't want women on the force and is determined to see both Tracy and fellow classmate Jenny fail. Discrimination and basically sexual assault aside, it was good to see Tracy being a firecracker even back then. I do prefer the actual books, but this novella was short and entertaining enough even though I prefer not spending more time than necessary with characters like Nolasco.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.