A review by khourianya
The Measure of the Magic by Terry Brooks


One of my favourite fantasy writers is Terry Brooks. I have been following his Shannara series for close to 10 years now (though it has been in existence for almost 35 years!) I would have to say the biggest argument in favor of my ebook reader is that I can purchase the next book the day it comes out instead of waiting a whole year to buy it in paperback.

Much of this review would require that you had followed the series so there may or may not be spoilers here. Really, this little writeup is only going to prove what a nerd I actually am.

The Measure of the Magic is the latest instalment in the Shannara series...and wraps up the Legends of Shannara Duology. It picks up where the Bearers of the Black Staff left off last year. Panterra Qu has just witnesses the death of Sider Ament and is faced with the decision of whether or not to take up the staff carried by the Knight of the Word. In order to save his dear friend Prue Liss from her fate at the hands of the trolls, who have her captive, he takes the staff wand sets off to stop the escape of the troll, Arik Siq and regain his companion once more.

Prue, meanwhile, has had an adventure of her own, involving her ultimate escape from the trolls and an interesting encounter with the King of the Silver River.

Soon, our friends are reunited and set off on an unusual adventure to save their valley from the outsiders. With an assassin and a demon hot on their heels and a friend imprisoned, they have their work cut out for them and their strengths and loyalties are tested.

I don't want to give away too much of the story. I could write a play by play of the events, but then what would be the point in your reading it. Let's just say that this is another great fantasy from Brooks and really builds on the stories established in the previous books. I'm a little sad that he won't be building on this in the next book that comes out, as it signals the start of another trilogy in the series, but I know he'll make his way back to this point in the timeline again and I can hardly wait to see where the adventure will take us next!

and if you haven't read the Shannara series and want a good epic fantasy series to keep you going for a few years...then pick up a copy of Sword of Shannara and don't let the Tolkien similarities get to you in the first book...those vanish in the rest of the series.