A review by rachelwrites007
Someone Else's Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson


I loved the first Joshilyn Jackson book I read - [b:Gods in Alabama|223462|Gods in Alabama|Joshilyn Jackson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1441072120s/223462.jpg|1345543] - but the book I read after as well as this one didn't seem to hold up as much. Jackson can do voice really well (both Shandi and William's POVs I enjoyed!), but the plot was lacking and there were holes and frustrations I had with characters (particularly Shandi). I actually would probably read an entire book about William, lol. I thought his character was very different than the norm, and not just because he was on the Asperger's/Autism spectrum.

I still really like her writing style so I'll be trying other books by her as she's quick, Southern chick lit/women's fiction type of reading, and perfect for summer. I just hope I'm able to find another book I connect with of hers, like I did with GODS IN ALABAMA... :)