A review by bellesmoma2021
Holding the Line by Jennifer Delamere

emotional hopeful inspiring reflective fast-paced


I loved every minute of Holding the Line by Jennifer Delamere. This story is fantastic! I have enjoyed each novel in Delamere’s Love Along the Wires series, but this final installment is, hands down, my favorite. I loved so many aspects to this excellently crafted story. The pacing is superb, and the engagement — oh my goodness was I hooked from the very first page. I was furiously turning pages well into the night. As far as characters go, they’re all excellent, but Rose is simply amazing. She’s so poised, confident in herself as an individual, and positive in her mindset. Even with all the bad from her past — and her past is a doozy — Rose refuses to let it ruin her present. She works hard to make a good life for herself, she has a lovely mothering tendency, and she is unwavering in doing what is right even if what is right causes her a bit of discomfort and turmoil. Rose has real, deep personal struggles, struggles that had me tearing up for her a couple of times, but she’s so comfortable in her own skin. She is able to take constructive advice, pray on it, and evolve into an even better version of herself. Rose is actually quite inspiring to me.

My most favorite aspect to this story is not the friendship between Rose and John that builds into a sweet romance, although that part of the story is really good, but rather Rose’s many interactions with a very self-focused, self-centered teenager named Sophie. Perhaps it is because I’m a high school teacher and spend my whole day with teens like Sophie, but I really enjoyed Rose’s time mentoring this young woman. Sophie is so frustrating, but she’s also not. She has a good heart deep down and her vulnerable moments are genuine and so sweet you want to hug her, but Sophie’s a teen AND the product of her higher-class Society, so there are moments that make the reader want to smack her a little. I very much enjoyed watching Rose take on this character. She is a strong, confident adult in Sophie’s life who consistently illustrates what it means to be a good, moral adult navigating a very icky, self-pleasing world. Of all the many excellent aspects to this really good story, this illustration of a compassionate mentoring relationship between a lovely mother-figure and a child who desperately needs guidance is, in my humble opinion, the absolute best part of this delightful story.

Holding the Line is a well-written, well-crafted Historical Romance and a superb conclusion to a really enjoyable series. Purchase yourself a copy today! You won’t be disappointed you did.

I received a copy of this novel in eBook form from Bethany House Publishers via NetGalley in order to review. I also received a paperback copy of this novel from the author, Jennifer Delamere, as part of her Street Team. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.