A review by cecireadss
City Love by Susane Colasanti


I love Suzanne Colasanti's work, I've read SO many of her books, so when I saw this one was released I just had to read it. However, it took me a while to actually get it because, you know, RL. When I finally bought it in February, I immediately started reading it.... and then I stopped. I've been going through some stuff and it has been really hard for me to get into books lately. I went from reading 100+ books a year to not wanting to read anything at all. When I finally forced myself to finish reading this book, I didn't really like it. I love her writing style, I liked the different POVs, but I didn't like the characters OR the cliffhanger. It might be me, and my whole issues, that prevented me from liking it, but I just didn't like it at all. I will definitely be giving it another chance when I'm doing better, but for right now, I'm giving it 2 stars. I couldn't seem to click with the main characters, they all seemed too entitled, and it seemed like we only got glimpses of who they are and what motivates them.