A review by renzoreads
The Post-Birthday World by Lionel Shriver


How can one decision, one choice to kiss another man or to leave and go home, drastically change the course of your whole life? Is the grass always greener on the other side? Is it always safest to stick with what you know, stay with with status quo?

Irina McGovern is a children’s book illustrator, living in London with her long term partner Lawrence. One night, when Lawrence is away for work, Irina goes out for dinner with a mutual friend Ramsey. Ramsey is a world renowned Snooker player, he is passionate and charming and as the night draws to a close Irina feels the pull of attraction towards him.

The next morning Irina wakes up, her decision from the night before propelling her into a future drastically different from the future she would have if her choice had been different. Told in alternating timelines we follow Irina as the consequences of her actions, or in-action, shape her life - not just romantically but also with her career, friendships and family relationships. Which future offers her the better life, true happiness? Is it with seemingly safe, loyal and smart Lawrence or is it with passionate, impulsive, fun loving Ramsey?

I loved this book! It was such a great read, it took me a little bit to get used to the alternating time line but once I wrapped my head around it I was hooked. My “preferred” timeline for Irina kept varying every couple of chapters, with all the characters having their strengths and flaws.

I love a time warp read, they’re always entertaining and this one was more than entertaining it had a lot of feeling. Well written, with relatable characters. Characters who seemed real, not an imagined character with over the top characteristics. They could be your friend, family member, colleague, neighbor or even yourself. A perfect book for anyone who ever wondered “what if…?”