A review by jayal
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir


This was so hard for me to read that I couldn't even get past chapter three.

I love Sci-Fi and Weir's premise of the novel has a lot of potential in itself— an astronaut lost in space with no memory of who he once was. I mean, who wouldn't get hooked with such a synopsis? I was curious and wondered how he was going to get his memories back and how he's going to help save humanity.

Sadly, the writing has no dynamic, no rhythm whatsoever. It's like a music sheet filled with the same notes playing over and over again. The plot structure is a little too flat (despite it being so plot-driven) and there is little to no character development. I couldn't bring myself to actually care about Ryland Grace a.k.a. Mark Watney 2.0.

I gave two stars instead of none because firstly, I love Sci-Fi and Space Fantasies, and second, I appreciate the effort for it to be scientifically accurate. Obviously, more than enough research has been done which ultimately resulted in dumps of info I don't really care about because I don't think some of them even help in moving the plot forward?

I don't know, man. I had high expectations since I assumed it was going to be as good as The Martian (the film). Unfortunately, I am quite disappointed. However, I believe this novel still has the potential to be a blockbuster movie and I will most definitely be watching it if that ever happens.

Andy Weird better find better editors and critics for his next work. He gotta improve his writing style and voice, man. He's great in brainstorming story ideas and it already has the potential. It just needs better execution.