A review by mastersal
Nothing in My Heart by Peri Elizabeth Scott


This felt very familiar to the [Unwanted Wife] - which is not a bad thing as I am quite fond of the latter. Maybe that made me predisposed to like this book. I think the Unwanted Wife is more angsty mostly because we don't get to see the hero’s POV. As a result, I think I preferred that one over this book.

Still, I had a pleasant time with the book and I liked the hero - which in itself is a win. Can’t say that there was anything particularly innovative in the tropes but they were used well. Worth checking out if you like these kinds of stories.

May 2021:
Yes, I am getting [b:The Unwanted Wife|17346553|The Unwanted Wife (Unwanted, #1)|Natasha Anders|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388271508l/17346553._SY75_.jpg|21842751] vibes but ... to be honest, that is a good thing for me.

However, I do not want to pay like $6+ for this... I am off to the library...