A review by secre
Pack of Lies by Annie Bellet


Pack of Lies is probably what I'd call the first fleshed out novel in this series so far, although it's still most definitely on the shorter side of average. However, Annie Bellet has put more in the way of effort into plot and character development, she has slowed the pace a fraction to allow the reader to gain a real sense of the world and the characters around them and she's put a little more meaning behind actions and consequences as well as the thought processes that led the characters there.

In essence, this is the first book in the series that I can hand on heart say I enjoyed. The development between the main characters Jade and Alek is done well, without being nauseatingly well, nauseous in its love story. The geek friends are back and so the nerd references are once more on full alert and the stories between the characters are given enough space to breath and show signs of life.

The world-building is also far more impressive in this offering as so many aspects that we were previously only given a tiny hint of are explored in more detail allowing the reader to immerse themselves more thoroughly rather than feeling like you are dipping your toes on the edge of a rock pool. There is more immersive detail in the shifters and the different patterns that different groups have, there is far more detail about the Council of Nine and the judge-jury-executioner aspect which was interesting and there's more of an exploration of Jade's powers as a sorceress.

The mystery plot is also well done although the big reveal could have been done with a tad more finesse but again, there is more meat to the story here than has been given to us previously and it makes a huge difference. The inter-merging of the two plots; the main mystery and then the big bad sorcerer after Jade worked reasonably well, however that is an aspect where more could have been done. Particularly from the Samir front, it's all a little bit bland although the teasers at the end actually make me half tempted to read the next in the series which considering the first two, I never thought I'd say.

My main disappointment would come from the too good to be true nature of Jade and Alek both; both are strong, beautiful, sexy and all that jazz and although they are given more of a fleshed out nature here it would be really good to see more full fleshing out in the following novels. The other aspect of course is that Jade still has a nasty habit of having to be carried home by the hero...this was a poorly executed plot device the first time...by this point it is exceptionally aggravating.

Either way; this is certainly the best of the bunch. It's more cleverly written with better world-building as well as more fully furnished plot and character development. Is it perfect? No, but I did at least quite enjoy reading it.