A review by magencorrie
End of Days by Susan Ee


4 stars

My Review:

I feel madly in love with this series when I first read Angelfall, having stumbled upon it while on Goodreads one day, and now it has come down to the last book. And I can say that I have loved every book, loved being in the world Susan created, getting to know the characters, watch them grow, overcome, survive, and it was been such a bittersweet experience.

End of Days was a whirlwind of action, adventure, and growth for all the characters. Though it did take me a while to pick up the book (I didn’t want to say goodbye), I think that Susan wrapped up the story nicely. Closing the plot, taking care of the storyline, and giving the characters a bright future. Though I didn’t feel like everything was explained fully, I also didn’t feel like I was left hanging.

The world that Susan created was simplistic yet eerily dark and dreadfully real. I got swept up in her dyspotian world with each book, fall in love with a cocky Archangel, and grew close to a strong and determined heroine. The growth throughout the entire series was amazing to watch, especially when it came to Raffe. I adored him from the moment I meet him in the first book and was so in love with him by this one.

The growth and development between Penryn and Raffe was another factor, other than the world Susan created, that I couldn’t get enough of. Penryn and Raffee, Daughter of Man and Archangel. Their connection can be nothing more than enemies, especially in a world at war. But the push and pull, the connection they shared, the intensity that sparked between them could never be denied. I loved watching them overcome the obstacles they faced and find their places beside each other. Though it was an emotional ride, where they were by the end of the book made my heart sing. I loved their journey, watching them grow as individuals,as acquaintances, as friends, and then more. Watching Raffee step up, watching Penryn just being by his side. Their banter, their personalities, was something else I just couldn't get enough of.

The rest of the characters in the series also make an appearance, along with quite a few new faces. Though they each strive, suffer, and fight, I found them all admirable. Especially Penryn. And though my heart did ache for Penryn’s sister, and a few other characters, I was happy with their endings.

The ending was wrapped up nicely, leaving me happy, yet also wishing for more. Like the rest of the series, the pacing was fast, the writing style very straight forward, simple in description, yet so realistic in the imagery and the emotions I just couldn’t help but get swept away. And though the epilogue wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for, it was still a lovely glimpse into their lives after the war finally ended.

I hate to say goodbye to this series, but I know I'll be re-reading it whenever I can because Susan created a world I just loved getting lost in, characters I have fallen madly in love with, and an journey of courage, heart, love, and pure determination I couldn’t get enough of.