A review by msmoth
So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading by Sara Nelson


I thought I might easily love this book; a book about reading being read by a voracious reader - what's not to love? Sadly, I actually found it occasionally bland and largely outside of my frame of reference.

In a way this book, or rather my reaction to it was similar to my reaction to Susan Hill's "Howard's End is on the Landing". I really wanted to love it but the disparity between the author's life and my own made it difficult to connect with the book as a whole.

I'm not sure why this should be the case, given that I don't have this problem with any other kind of memoir, but the gulf between my experience and the author's really felt like it limited my appreciation of the book for its own sake.

I don't know what I was expecting or why this expectation couldn't be met, but this book although there was nothing particularly wrong with it, just didn't sing to me.