A review by alienor
Prayers for Rain by Dennis Lehane


Actual rating : 4.5 stars

After [b:Gone, Baby, Gone|425123|Gone, Baby, Gone (Kenzie & Gennaro, #4)|Dennis Lehane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388234938l/425123._SY75_.jpg|1234238], [b:Prayers for Rain|21683|Prayers for Rain (Kenzie & Gennaro, #5)|Dennis Lehane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1390016912l/21683._SY75_.jpg|2812184] was like a breath of fresh air.

"You wanted to play? Well, hide-and-seek is over. Let the real game begin, motherfucker."

➊ You were baffled to see how out of character and - yes - boring his behavior was in [b:Gone, Baby, Gone|425123|Gone, Baby, Gone (Kenzie & Gennaro, #4)|Dennis Lehane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388234938l/425123._SY75_.jpg|1234238]? Good news, people! PATRICK IS BACK, and that's for the best. Welcome sarcastic descriptions, infuriating and hilarious comments, smartass answers!

"Twenty miles, and it took us only an hour and fifteen minutes. Welcome to Boston; we just fucking live for traffic"

I missed them so SO much, I can't even tell. Please Lehane, I think you're an amazing author, but do not spoil my favorite character. When I think that many readers only read book 4 because of the movie, it makes me sad, because Patrick isn't more than the shell of himself there.

"For a while I tried the Zen trick of ignoring them, willing my body to seem unattractive. After a few hundred bites or so, though, I thought, fuck Zen. Confucius never lived in ninety-eight percent humidity on a ninety-two-degree day. If he had, he'd have hacked off a few heads and told the emperor he was fresh out of peppy bromides until someone outfitted the palace with AC"

➋ While we're at the welcome back, I'm delighted to inform you that Angie stopped being uncommunicative and fuzzy but regained her wit and kickassery. WOOT!

➌ If you read the previous books, you know that everyone needs a little Bubba to be happy. Therefore I'm ecstatic to announce that we've got A LOT OF BUBBA here, and for our biggest pleasure he's crazier and funnier than ever : that's simple, I seem to be completely unable to stop laughing when he opens his mouth. This psycho is perf : if Patrick has my heart, Bubba for sure has my smile. SPOILER ALERT : there are scenes involving kissing :P

"Angie's with me," I said.
"No shit. Where?"
"Back Bay. We need a delivery man."
"Bomb?" He sounded excited, like a had a few lying around he needed to get rid of.
"Ah, no. Just a tape recorder."
"Oh." He sounded bored."

I already said it, but Bubba's the star of this fifth book.

➍ Do you know what I missed the most in Gone, Baby Gone? COMPLICITY. Humor. Banter. LOVE. All. The. Feels.

"There's nothing but me left there. And white sheets. White sheets and those fucking birds and it hurts, and all I can do is close my eyes and lie there and wish I didn't feel like dying."

➎ The plot is well-wrapped and completely addictive : you've been warned, you won't be able to stop before unraveling all the lies our favorite detectives are told. Hell, you can't get enough of the team finally working together again.

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