A review by bookswithregan
The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon


I love the idea of this book, the story line & the podcast element.. BUT this was a flop for me and I'm super sad.

Let me start off by saying I listen to this on Audio, and sometimes I feel that can change the feel of a book or it being the reason of like/dislike.

I LOVED the start of this book, the first 100+ pages had me loving it and actually laughing a little. And then it just became repetitive?
First Shay is CONSTANTLY hating on Dominic for finding anyway possible to drop his degree/alum whatever-whatever- I get it he was kind of annoying about it. BUT then when Shay herself COULD NOT STOP bringing up or crying over their age differences I started to become overly annoyed. WE GET IT.. YOU ARE SOOOOO MUCH OLDER.

And THEN the constant "poor me" "don't leave me alone" attitude she had towards her bestfriend & her job opportunity. I wanted to scream! SHAY... YOU have CHOSE this life for youself, NO ONE told you that you had to chose radio over everything else and THEN practically HATE on your bestfriend for tying to live her life, and make her feel bad about it.

There were just so many problems with Shay, I could not get passed her and her sadness. It for me didn't make her interesting, or even make me feel bad for her. I wanted to love this so badly and I'm super sad I didn't.
Maybe one day I can pick this back up with a different outlook and finish the last half.

Until then.. its a 2/5 for me.