A review by dakotavander
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab


🩸 ✨ “A Darker Shade of Magic” by VE Schwab ✨ 🩸 

For the first half of this book I was painfully aware that this was a YA fantasy. Ever since I stopped reading YA for my former students, I haven’t been able to enjoy reading them. Once the story picks up and the plot starts moving, though, I really began to enjoy this. 

There are still times when I would be pulled from the story by the choices made that scream YA to me but those things were easy to overlook for the sake of continuing. I loved “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by Schwab, one of my top 5 of last year. This is not that, unfortunately. But I’m interested enough that I’ll probably read the rest of the series at some other time.