A review by zhelana
The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned by Jason T. Eberl, Kevin S. Decker


This book was really interesting, crossing over philosophers with Star Wars canon and even some non-canon Star Wars material. It included many of the most philosophers in history from Aristotle and Plato to Descartes, but also included some newer material that you've only heard of if you've made a concerted effort to study philosophy over the past 40 years that Star Wars has been out. Some of the newer topics of discussion include using action figures to develop a theory of mind and whether Lucas has the authority to tell us what is and isn't canon regarding some of our favorite stories that are now labeled AU (the book concludes that Lucas does not have this authority). We also discuss whether Wookiees have a real language, and whether droids are moral agents, and even what this means for Darth Vader who is mostly machine but still a little bit human.

I was quite impressed with this book, and have picked up another in the series, this one on Harry Potter. I hope it is as good.