A review by halffast
Rogue's Pawn by Jeffe Kennedy


A gal from the modern world is accidentally transported to Faerie and gets entangled with their deals and politics. Interesting book. The tone was impossible to pin down — some scenes were really funny and lighthearted, then you’d get moments of analytical sleuthing or crafty bargaining, and then it would veer into a fairly dark like woah-damn-did-that-happen scene packed full of emotion. Personally it all worked for me despite a bit of whiplash at times. The main character had a strong inner voice that held the story together pretty well.

I really loved some of the author’s ideas; it’s clear she has a great imagination. I enjoyed the concept of the world’s magic trying to translate Jen’s English thoughts into words and concepts the Fae understood, and vice versa. Some of the ways things get lost in translation, both unintended and purposeful, were really clever. Many of the Faerie names ended up with goofy translations which the heroine mocked and I found this hilarious. I also liked the way Jen, like a true scientist, continually tried to understand the “rules” of the magic and set up little hypotheses and tests. Same thing applies to her understanding the Fae’s nebulous bargains, and she’s a fast learner who gets better at this important skill as the book progresses.