A review by shortwithcurls
Holiday Star by Melissa Dymond


Just in time for the holiday fun! I found Holiday Star to be a sweet slow burn for our main characters: Gwen and Caleb.

To start off though, I did appreciate the Acknowledgement highlighting the awareness for colon cancer disease and it's relevance in the story. This wasn't anything major in my rating but I did enjoy that it was included.

I read the version with "spicy-with sex scenes and mild explicit language" but, again, I did appreciate that the author considered those who are not into that and wrote a "sweet-no language and kissing only" version as well.

Back to the fun, overall, I enjoyed the book.

It was a great way to get into the mood for the holidays with caroling, decorating and stuff like that. Caleb is your typical "chiseled jawline with cheekbones that can cut with a 6-pack" but hey, he is a celebrity, so I could get it. Gwen is the dependable book-smart average doctor girl and they get to spend some time together during the holidays due to some situations aligning. I did find myself rolling my eyes a bit because although Gwen has a good head on her shoulders, her inner thoughts are just constantly self depreciating and second guessing everything. She makes some choices like invading personal privacy and the other character just seems to forgive and forget within a couple sentences. Caleb is the perfect triple threat that does everything perfect but is just misunderstood. A bit of the regular run around. I think the story could have been shorter and still packed the same punch. At some point, when I checked my location in the book, I had hit 50% and really thought that I was hitting in the end. There seemed like too much drama happening over and over which made it feel unnecessarily long and I found myself skimming as I kept going.

I dont see myself reading this again but, I did get into christmas mood
It was a light read with some spicy with a sprinkle of christmas cheer.