A review by michellesantiago
Code Name: Ghost by Sawyer Bennett


I've been looking forward to Malik Fournier's book for a while because his story is a couple of books in the making. He was held captive by foreign militants after a failed mission a few books back. He was rescued by the Jameson team, and we saw him in the previous book recovering from his ordeal. But, Code Name: Ghost opened with Malik's actual rescue and we see first hand how that went down.

Unlike the previous books in the series where the plot centered on a brand-new mission, Code Name: Ghost was about Malik's struggles after his ordeal. He was determined to get back to normal as soon as possible and get back to his work at Jameson, but he had a lot of healing to do, especially his feelings of guilt having survived the mission while others didn't. And to make things more complicated, he had to grapple with his growing feelings for Anna Tate, the widow of one of the men who died during the mission.

Code Name: Ghost was an emotional journey for both Malik and Anna. I enjoyed both of their characters. I especially liked strong, independent single-mom Anna, who was pregnant when she lost her husband. She very was determined to stand on her own and raise her daughter despite her devastating loss. I really like her friendship with one of the Jameson agents too, Cage Murdock--their scenes together provided a lot of the humor in this book. I did think Malik and Anna got together a little too quickly, and I wish they had more of a slow burn. However, family (Malik's whole family, Anna's mom, the Jameson team as a tight-knit group) played a huge role in this book and I loved reading about that. Malik's family especially made me so happy and my favorite scene was when he was discussing the bro code with his sister, brothers, and brother-in-law (now I really want to read Cold Fury series!)--that scene made me laugh out loud.

I did read Code Name: Ghost entirely via audiobook and I thought it was well-casted with Aaron Shedlock as Malik and Virginia Rose as Anna. Their voices really fit their character and they did a good job conveying all the emotions in this book. Both narrators brought the story and the characters to life, and I thoroughly enjoyed their performance. You can't go wrong with the audiobook--I highly recommend it.

All in all, Code Name: Ghost was an enjoyable read--a bit more emotional than previous books in the series but a welcome addition. I can't wait for the next book in the series, which will be about Cage who got himself in a bit of a pickle...