A review by booksabrewin
Her Saints by Sarah Bale


Olivia recovered from her traumatic experience of being shot with ease, but the lasting effects of no longer having her men by her side are what truly feel devastating. Every time she turns away it is like she can hear motorcycles in her dreams. She knows that her men are trying to protect her in the most misguided way possible but she is dying to show them that they can't live without her just as she can't live without them. But during her time without them she starts to realize that someone else's attention has been peaked. When pictures of her dalliances start to show up whenever she goes she has to turn to the men who abandoned her for help and in doing so pray that they will see that she is more protected and safer with them than without them.

This whole book seemed very much like Edward abandoning Bella when he thought he was a danger to her existence. She did everything she could to try to get his attention and even put herself in very unsafe situations to do so. Eventually it came to pass that Edward had to face the fact that she was better protected at his side than with him far away from her. That is what this whole book felt like. They were trying to keep away from her thinking they would only lead to her getting hurt not realizing that they were hurting her far worse by being away from her. I did like that in the book the whole scene with Edward abandoning Bella was even referenced so the author made it very obvious where she pulled inspiration from.

I did like seeing Olivia try to come into her own without the men around. She did all the right things. She went into therapy despite that being a huge fear of hers due to past experiences. She tried to accept that they were gone for now but never gave up hope that they would come around eventually. I absolutely love that King, the one who had the shortest relationship with her to start, was the first to come back around and say 'fuck what Saint dictates'. He scored some major kudos from me for that.

I think this was a great way to kind of lead up to Olivia ultimately telling her men (and the readers) about her past. I am desperate to read the next installment.