A review by literaryanna
Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


More reviews can be found at my blog: Literary Exploration

Let me start off by saying I actually wrote a completely different review for this book before I even finished it. I know I know, I should wait to finish the book before writing a review. Whatever. I'm busy so I try to start reviews about half way through so I don't have to do much once I've finished the book. HOWEVER. This book completely surprised me!

In the beginning I wasn't enjoying it too much. I felt like it was almost too fast-paced, there wasn't a lot of character development, I didn't really enjoy the premise for the book. A lot of flaws were noted. Once I got about half way through, however, everything started to come together. In the beginning we're not really sure where preternatural creatures come from, we don't have an inkling about what Kali is, we're not sure why everyone knows about preternatural creatures, I didn't really connect to the characters, etc. etc. etc.

But then... everything is revealed! It's almost like plot twist overload. You literally find out the answers to all these questions in the span of about 25 pages. It was sort of like OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG all at once. I wish there were more OMG moments, because that's what keeps you reading. I didn't like that Barnes saved all the OMG moments for the end, when I was already weary and a little bored.

As for the characters, they're not really anything special. There isn't a lot of romance, the friendships are okay but not very solid. I wish there was more of a romantic aspect, but I guess since Kali's "romantic" interest is Zev, her nibbler's pair, and he's living inside her mind there can't be a lot of romance. There is one scene where Zev and Kali meet psychicly in some made up woods and have a sort of rendezvous in their minds, but that only lasts about a page. I wish there was more romance between them.

I honestly can't remember much about the book, other than it was a fast read and enjoyable enough. I just feel like it was lacking something, and I wanted more. I would probably recommend this book to paranormal lovers, but not anyone who has to have romance in their books. Characters are okay, the plot is quick, the read is short. For being 336 pages, I don't think much really happened.