A review by melissasbookshelf
The Premonition at Withers Farm by Jaime Jo Wright


4 1/2 stars! Cornfields, creepy basements, old nursery rhymes, & possibly ghosts! Jaime Jo Wright has done it again, creating a romantic, edge of your seat, suspenseful, spooky read that’s unputdownable! Interwoven with the gothic mystery & suspense are second chance and enemies to lovers romances along with messages of healing & faith. Set in the small farming community of Kilbourn, Michigan, residents are terrorized in two different time periods by a vicious killer.

1910 - Perliett Van Hilton has always wanted to be a doctor. She’s studied all the homemade remedies she can, yet the local doctor, George Wasziac doesn’t appreciate her meddling. When two women are brutally murdered, the town turns to Perliett’s mother for answers. She claims to be able to contact the dead, but is it real? When the creepy Cornfield Ripper targets Perliett, will she escape?

Molly & Trent Wasziac are looking for a second chance in their marriage. When they bought their small town farmhouse, they had no idea it was known as a murder house. Suffering from depression and grief after several miscarriages, Molly begins seeing and hearing things, but is what she’s seeing real? When her husband discovers a murdered woman near their property, she digs into the past to try to find a modern day killer.

This book is definitely one to read with the lights on! I’ve always found nursery rhymes creepy, and the way this one is used in this story is particularly morbid. There are definitely scenes that play on our worst fears. However, Jaime Jo Wright knows how to balance the terror with two heartfelt romances and messages of faith. I loved the way she used George and his rival as symbols for faith and superstition. It was a brilliant way to showcase the real choice between putting one’s trust in God and truth versus the occult. I also loved the way she handled the painful reality of miscarriage and depression. The second chance romance was beautifully written.

Highly recommend this amazing book especially to Christian suspense & romance readers! And if you’re worried about it being too spooky, don’t be. The romance and inspirational message far outweigh the fear factor. I received advanced complimentary copies from the author and publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.