A review by whosevita
Taming Demons for Beginners by Annette Marie


I don't know what I expected but definitely not how good it was. First let me say that Zylas (it took me like an hour to find his name) is amazing and I LOVE him. I love how his simple quirks of being lazy and curious are portrayed (by napping all the time and taking apart a tv). It makes his that more interesting. Also he is clearly physically and mentally strong but not an ""alpha male""". He is protective but reasonably so.
For Robin, she is incredibly weak. And I actually like that. I love how she doesn't immediately adapt to the magical work. Like many of us who would be plucked from their normal life she is not very strong. But she had already shown a lot of improvement and that only in the first book. I'd love to see where the next books will take her and Zylas developing relationship.
What I do think was very annoying was how much of the plot seemed the same. They got into the same situation like three times.
But oh well.
I haven't had as much fun as reading an urban fantasy since mortal instruments and that was like 6 years ago so that says a lot.

2nd read: after reading the entire spellbound series im starting this series again. I just can't get over how good this book is.

3rd read: IS menTaL IllNess InnIT

4th read: is there gonna be a day I'm completely sick of this book? Maybe?? Not this day though I still love it to death