A review by jsromancebookblog
Scored by Lili Valente


Funny and sweet with just the right amount of drama when needed, this is a completely entertaining romcom. From start to finish, this book had me caught up in its pages and smiling throughout.

This is the story of Evie, the sweet and slightly naïve art grad student working for New York’s professional hockey team as an art therapist, and Ian, the professional hockey player and Evie’s older brother’s best friend. When the book begins, we find that Evie has what she deems to be a problem: she’s still got her V-card, and she does not want it. She’s recently been dumped, and she’s having a tough time of things not because of the guy exactly but more that he basically told her that she isn’t exactly appealing. After a disaster of a drunken night where she runs into her ex, Ian promises to be her (and a couple of her friends) love guru. Right away her fashionable friend Harlow helps her redo her look, and it definitely grabs the attention of others and even Ian. From there, we see how Evie goes from quirky and kinda frumpy to more feisty and vixenish and how her and her relationship with Ian changes from to something entirely different.

Evie is just the cutest little thing ever. She’s so sweet and fun but sort of uncertain of herself at the same time. She’s the sort of character where I think everyone can relate to her on some level. I loved seeing her come into her own and take charge of her life as a young woman in her early twenties. Then there’s Ian, and he’s such a sweetheart. He’s kind, loyal, and is devoted to the people he cares about. The way he is with Evie is wonderfully cute but hot at the same time, and I loved how these two were together.

Also, this book is funny! Like I totally had a smile on my face reading it and literally laughed out loud multiple times. This is the first time I’ve read this author, and Scored has made me an automatic fan. I love a good romcom, and that’s exactly what this is. It’s fun and light but has moments of seriousness that add that element of angst that any great romcom needs. I thoroughly enjoyed this storyline and loved seeing the evolution of the characters.

Scored is a fantastic romcom that hits all the marks. It’s the first book in Valente’s A V-Card Diaries series, and I’m really looking forward to the next one already.