A review by christine_queenofbooks
Why I Held Your Hand by Augusta Reilly


Thank you to Rhapsodic Press and NetGalley for a free e-arc of this title for review.

I really enjoyed Why I Held Your Hand! It swept me up and had me itching to see how the story would play out.

It's set in a small town, which Laura is trying to bring more tourism dollars to via a marketing campaign. She falls into a bit of instalove with David, the team's project manager. But the story doesn't end there! The synopsis will give you a bit more info on the plot, but I liked going into the reading experience without, so I won't mention more.

I didn't totally love one of the character's behavior in a few spots; I wish it were made clearer that what they did was just not an appropriate way to treat someone. It also felt off for Laura's weight and bustiness to be pointed out.

Still, a fun reading experience (that kept me turning the pages past my bedtime). Also the sex scenes are pages long.

3.5 stars

Content warnings: flippant comment about wanting to kill oneself, recollection of the death of a parent