A review by shubbard116
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy


3.5 Jennette has an easy-to-read stream of consciousness style writing. I think that this style worked well, portraying to the reader how confusing parental abuse can be. Jennette showed how complete enmeshment with mom can feel so consuming and real and confusing. Then you read how Jennette’s rose colored glasses started to fall and even her language and style of writing changed as she started to recognize that maybe, just maybe, mom was abusive.

From an “enjoyment” standpoint (if you can call it that with this particular topic matter), I think it was an easy read and I’m curious to see what she does next as an author. From a “professional” standpoint, I’m a little more hesitant to recommend this book. I’m not sure if Jennette’s ‘point’ for writing this was to help her own healing or to help others in similar situations. I am a little concerned that those enjoying this book are doing so more for the “tea” as opposed to getting something out of it. I would’ve liked to see a lot more emphasis on the healing process. We hear how she reacted the first time her therapist said mom was abusive.. but when did she actually accept that and start to process it? I wish there was more emphasis on how hard and messy recovery can be as opposed to fast forwarding. I think this would have added to the story, especially in its relatability and healing power.