A review by adiscoveryoflit
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


The Hate U give is about a sixteen - year - old girl Starr and how she finds her voice.
It's really hard to review a book that in my eyes has no flaws whatsoever. The story line\plot was one of the best I have ever read. I was not much of a fan of contemporary novels but Im excited to pick up more after reading this one. The Hate U Give surely stands out from many other books I have ever read and is now my all time favourite.

Starr is an amazing main protagonist and is an inspiration to others who are looking to find their voice. At the beginning of the book she was a shy and quiet young girl but what she goes through makes her stronger and gives her the courage to stand up for what she believes in, and reading about her is such an honour.
I love the family relationships in this book... WOW! They are really genuine people and feel so realistic. Starr's parents are just like any other normal parents; they argue a lot, but they love each other so much and would do anything for their children. The sibling relationships are also really relatable. They remind me so much of the way me and my siblings are by the way they argue and tease each other but no matter what thy will always protect one another.
The novels main focus is on the 'Black Live Matter Movement' with aspects of police brutality, political criticism, racism, and discrimination. Many teens would benefit from this book because its so educative and I loved learning from it.
I have said this about many books before but when I say I recommend this book to everyone and that you will not be disappointed I mean it, you will not regret reading it.