A review by leelah
Dark Space by Lisa Henry


5 stars
Lisa Henry took my heart with [b:The Island|17153604|The Island|Lisa Henry|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356112250s/17153604.jpg|18641851]; with [b:Dark Space|17254214|Dark Space|Lisa Henry|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1358359831s/17254214.jpg|22023544] she went to my auto-buy list. Both novels are dealing with some heavy stuff like PTSD, trust issues, and cruelty toward another human being, 'cause Lisa puts her characters through hell before she gives them any hope. Her characters doesn't have diva tantrums, they are not all sunshine and smiles, but that just work for me. If you like dark but emotional, beautifully written m/m, Lisa is your author.
This novel is SciFi romance. I love to read both genres, so it was my first choice from Lisa's backlist. It's focused more on relationship, but SciFi parts are just as amazing.
SpoilerPart when Cameron was in stasis unit and he reaches his hand to Brady is captivating! From that moment you just want to know everything about Cameron Rushton, his past, his present and his future.
. Faceless are aliens who came, conquered and destroyed. And you know what? They are scary. They are just plain terrifying. Nobody knows anything about them, nobody knows what are they're planing to do, nobody knows what they even look like. I was constantly on edge of my seat waiting for their appearing in novel. Unlike [b:The Island|17153604|The Island|Lisa Henry|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356112250s/17153604.jpg|18641851], this novel is told from first POV. We see distant future, Faceless, and more importantly Cameron, through Brady's eyes. And I think it was great move, it was fun being in his head.
SpoilerI think that first POV was decisive to understand deep connection between him and Cam, because they shared thoughts, dreams and feelings.
. Without Brady's humor this book would be too dark. And you gotta love Brady- he is only 19, but he is having problems that someone of his age shouldn't have ever. And yet, he is light of this novel.:) Cameron Rushton's face is well known to Brady, but just like Faceless he is a mystery. He is a very tortured character,he doesn't belong anywhere and you can tell he is someone who lost hope
SpoilerHe is a true martyr. Him being a hero for Earth was very fitting to his personality.
. Reading about those two falling in love was emotional and engrossing. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
It's not of big importance for me usually,but I have to say that I adore this cover. Model is very beautiful, and his eyes and lips catch your eye among other covers. ::wishing a wallpaper size::