A review by momwithareadingproblem
Dark Fae by Lillian Cartier


I received an eARC of this novella via the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of this book or the content of this review.

Dark Fae
by Lillian Cartier is one of 30 novellas in the Skeleton Key collection. I love the idea of this series! In each novella, a glass skeleton key appears and whisks the main character to a new realm, a new life, providing an escape from their troubles. In Dark Fae, Tessa James is a former foster care child. She bounced from home to home, never feeling complete. When a man shows up with news that her long-lost aunt has died and left everything to her, she finds herself in a secluded cabin with a locked closet.

Tessa was an interesting character. She’s lonely, a bit lost and when she finds out about her aunt her world is turned upside down. Someone cared for her, she wasn’t just tossed away as she had always thought. It’s an eye-opening experience for her. When the skeleton key turns up and opens the locked closet into a realm of fae. To say she handles it better than I would is an understatement. She is the epitome of understanding.

This novella focuses on Nyx and Tessa. Nyx is the leader of the fae and it is his job to protect his realm from humans like Tessa. The two make an interesting pair. However it lost a star due to the insta-love, which is more appropriately named lust. The world-building made up for it though. I found it interesting to see how the fae realm worked, Nyx’s fae traits and the politics associated with his position.

Overall I found the novella ok. It’s a quick, easy read. Perfect for someone looking for a paranormal romance fix. FYI it is not for anyone under 18. Sorry friends, adults only! There are some pretty steamy sex scenes and some foul language, which I personally could have done without.