A review by florapants84
Julia, Child by Kyo Maclear


1. Some friends are like sisters.

2. You can never use too much butter.

3. It is best to be a child FOREVER!

This was the cutest book ever! It was worth the wait, and probably one of the handful of books that I've ever preordered. I was so tempted to use a "like buttah" Saturday Night Live meme from the "Coffee Talk" skit, but decided against it. I'm sure you've got enough of a visual.

Julia and her friend Simca love French food. They especially love cooking and creating new, interesting recipes. Reflecting on how they don't want to end up like most adults, "who never watched cartoons and only read biographies", they devise a way to mix the "art of childhood" into their dishes, and thus help adults remember to lighten up.

I am a huge fan of Kyo Maclear; she's got fab style and wonderful ideas! I was equally impressed with Julie Morstad's illustrations–they were very retro and chic. I've only read Maclear's children's books, but I liked them so much that I went ahead and bought her two adult works of fiction: [b:The Letter Opener|821052|The Letter Opener|Kyo Maclear|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1178677246s/821052.jpg|806890] and [b:Stray Love|13101445|Stray Love|Kyo Maclear|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1331310822s/13101445.jpg|18274064]. I'm sure she won't let me down. Check out this book if you get a chance! It's entertaining for people of all ages. One benefit to buying a copy: the dust jacket doubles as an awesome little book poster.