A review by kyshakitty
Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader by Cassandra Clare


I must say that I was wary of reading this because I am not into literary criticism. I enjoyed most of the essays though.

The first essay was really boring to me because it talks about places and geography, not my thing. That made me leery of the rest of the book. But once I got to other essays it peaked my interest once more.

The essays about friends, why the best-friend always loses, and incest were the most enjoyable. (the incest one is actually not dirty, though there is one essay that borders on dirty)

The essay on homosexuality was enjoyable and made me think. I never thought about the issues in literature that she brings up, because I have never looked for homosexuality in a book since I am straight. The essay really focuses on finding characters that each person can relate to and if you are not "normal" or mainstream then that is nearly impossible.

I am not sure how they went about choosing who would write essays, whether it was the publisher or Cassie. I think overall the mix is good and anyone who loves the Shadowhunter series will enjoy the new perspectives.