A review by readingwithsierra
In Transit: Being Non-Binary in a World of Dichotomies by Dianna E. Anderson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 57%.
The author (also narrator) has a very monotone and strong voice that made me feel like I was listening to case studies and was just way too direct. I do feel like much of the information and terminology used is outdated and could be revised for future use, however the author makes it a point to say ‘I use these words even though they are outdated because x, y, and z’ but it still feels lazy and redundant. I feel like it’s also important to mention the author is a white, ex-evangelical Christian who was raised in that restricting worldview so it’s hard to say that this book should surpass memoir and be a ‘basis for learning about being non-binary’. This is just one persons experience and while valid, shouldn’t be representative of the nonbinary experience altogether. There was some exclusion and linguistic wordplay that felt icky to me as well. Hopefully the author has learned more about community and the history of queer people and how intersectional our identities are.