A review by emeraldreviews
Shades of Night by Rachael Boucker, Rachael Boucker


Welcome to the newest fantasy series you never knew you needed! The Night Order series sets off with an explosion of demons, magic, demon slaying and torturous nightmares!

When Eerie River put out a call for ARC readers, I had no ideas on this book or series but the divine cover had me trapped. A powerful looking mystic of a main character with a serpentine demonic creature behind her oozed pure unadulterated fantasy, I read the blurb and knew I needed to be one of these readers. I am so glad I was lucky enough to be picked!

Rachael Boucker is a new author to me and I'm always cautious when reading someone new, certainly in the fantasy genre as too many times have I been caught with a ‘samey’ storyline and set of characters. This doesn’t happen in Rachael’s writing, although a similar use of demons, witches and fantasy worlds, Rachael’s writing feels fresh and unique. All 400+ pages had me gripping my kindle, multiple times I fell asleep through exhaustion after not being able to put the book down! Don’t worry, I went back and picked up where I left off!

The characters are deep and mysterious with clever backgrounds and personality development, key to this was the deep sisterly bond between the sisters. This relationship acted as a foundation for the entire book and the development of this elevates the story.

The horrifying demons and their vast variations will present themselves in nightmares for weeks to come. Each demon type has unique characteristics that move from anything from grotesque plague demons to torturous mind warping lover demons. I won’t explain what each does but know that any of your fears are in danger of being triggered by these horrifying monsters.

Shades of Night is the beginning of a new series that is going to be a staple fantasy adventure in my future. The story is absolutely fantastic and the ending will have you begging for more, in fact… I did beg for more from Rachael herself on Facebook! If you are a fantasy fan then please get this book now, it is horror fantasy at its purest. Get in on the series now and prepare for the future Night Order stories coming soon!