A review by readivine
The Rook by Daniel O'Malley


"This is ridiculous, she thought. I’m possessed of terrifying powers. Why am I relying on a ridiculous little gun that I picked because I thought it was cute? I don’t need this thing.She threw it contemptuously over her shoulder. Damn right! I took out a house of weird fungal cultists that had devoured three teams of supernatural SWAT teams. I am a badass."

Kingsman Secret Service meets Agents of Shield.
Myfanwy (pronounced as Miff-uh-nee or Mi-von-wee) Thomas , holds the position of the Rook in the Court of Chequey, a secret supernatural enforcement agency funded by the British monarch.

Well of course everything was fine until she woke up sprawled on the pavement with a sum of injuries, and a number of dead people wearing latex gloves lying around her in the pouring rain. And oh, did I mention she also lost her memories? Yup.

While trying to gain some sort of balance in her daze, she found two letters in her pocket addressed to her written by her. It seems that pre-amnesiac Myfanwy already figured out that she’s going to lose her shit and well, prepared for it drastically. Oh, there’s also a thing about someone in the Court who’d betray her, and isn’t that just a little neat? Because of that I am more compelled to eat this book whole.

Together w/ amnesiac Myfanwy we get to probe around all the shitstorm going on the Chequey and get to meet bamboozling powered individuals: A super hot and sketchy vampire (no he’s not Edward, Alrich is everything I want in a vampire), another one w/ 4 super hot bodies again all controlled by one mind, a woman who can visit dreams, another one who can coat herself in full metal armor etc. As well as supernatural forces (characterized to have uncanny flesh alterations and slimy gunk) I know, it’s cool and gross.

What I love about this book is how it shifts with pre-amnesiac Myfanwy through her letters and back to amnesiac Myfanwy in the real-time trying to take hold of her new found identity. And I must say amnesiac Miff (let’s call her that) has become pretty much the epitome of bad ass super executive agent. You really get to love the two contrasting identities of our heroine and it helps us grasp the entirety of Chequey.

Everything is packed with action and witty snide dialogues. There’s not much romance going on WHICH IS WHAT I LOVE. Though I can’t help but ship a lot of potential *coughs* mates for Miff.
Spoiler Tbh I really ship her with Gestalt initially, I mean shit. It’s like Gestalt pretty much handled pre-amnesiac Miff when she’d get all clueless. I just find their polar opposite-ness to be endearing and well after all their counterparts. Idc if he/she have 4 bodies aand the fact that he'd turn out to be one of the traitors. I AM SMITTEN. But later on, I’m really grossed out w/ Gestalt’s incest and whatnot. And there’s Alrich too, but Gestalt really had me. *sobs* I just can’t fathom how WRONG it is but felt so RIGHT w/ me ahahhaha
Not only that, but there is a recurring theme of feminism. 50 POINTS TO O’MALLEY!

I looooveeee the supporting characters as well. Ingrid is my fave! The sassy and composed secretary who got all of her shit together. She's actually a very important anchor for both pre-amnesiac and amnesiac Miff tbh. There’s Lil’ Pawn Allen as well who just made it in the last couple of chapters but had already grown in me. Shaaantaaayy the American Bishop as well. Oh dear, I love her personality! Not to mention the funny anecdotes penned by pre-amnesiac Miff that just gives the story some kind of relief w/ the action most of the time.

Overall, this book just made an indelible print in my heart. I FCKIN LOVE IT TO PIECES. Worthy of a 5-star rating!