A review by postitsandpens
Creators (a Lost Souls Novel) by Tiffany Truitt


This is another book three that I probably waited too long to read, as I was a bit fuzzy on a number of things. However, the author did a decent-enough job of recapping that I was brought up to speed on the most pressing issues, which I very much appreciated. This was another solid ending to a series, although it rather broke my heart a bit. The world building is really well done, dystopian with enough of a twist that it's a fresh concept. I really loved reading from Tess' point of view, and was happy to watch her story unfold. Be forewarned, there's a bit of an open ending, but I think it worked here, even if the romantic in me would've wished for something else. Nonetheless, I'm glad I finally picked it up, and crossed another unfinished series off my TBR.