A review by _mkarys
A Touch of Brimstone by McKenzie Hunter


Ever imagined traveling into a different dimension when you got a papercut? Just me?

Let’s proceed.

A Touch of Brimstone follows Luna, a bookseller who recently lost her boyfriend and her best friend. Shall I paint a picture of why that is? Yeah, horrible people. While she tries to navigate life by playing it cool, Luna finds herself thrust into a world of magic after getting bitten by a book. Suddenly Luna is the catalyst of a spell that opened the gates of the Underworld’s prison. Dominic, the Guardian of the prison, is very interested to know how a mere human could have achieved such a feat. Luna, who has only known of magic through books and never thought it to be real, would like to know the same thing. They strike a deal: he will protect her from those hunting her, and she will help return the escapees to the prison. As that happens, sparks begin to fly.

I adored Luna’s characters. She’s very relatable and human, therefore it was easy to see myself in her shoes. (I wish. I mean…Dominic!) Speaking of Dominic, though he often can come across as cool and distant, I couldn’t help but have a small crush on him. He’s very protective of Luna, and though they both liked to pretend it was because they were a means to each other’s ends, the connection between them was undeniable. I loved their slow-burn attraction.

I also loved the worldbuilding. This book had it all. Witches, demons, vampires, werewolves. Navigating their world was fascinating, and it certainly enriched the mystery underlying the plot. As I’ve mentioned often, I love mystery, and I’m finding out that I especially love it in these paranormal settings, of which A Touch of Brimstone was an excellent addition.

I recommend this book to all lovers of slow-burn paranormal romance and mystery!

Thank you to the author for sending me a copy. Opinions are my own.