A review by brancrisp
Blood Moon by Shelly M. Burrows, Michael S. Stewart


Having known the co-authors (and seen these characters come to life) over the last few years, it was a thrill to find out they'd published their first book together. Although I've known many of these characters for a while, the authors managed to keep the story fresh and interesting. I also thought the setting was handled quite well. I felt like I could see what the characters were seeing. One of the themes running through the story is that love is love no matter what race, sex, gender or....species you are. Another theme brought me back to high school days studying Antigone. Are legal rights or moral rights the correct path to follow? What would you do? Listen to your group/pack/family or do what you feel is right even if it means going against them? The characters in this novel face these decisions and have to deal with the consequences. And what a ride it is! I look forward to the next in this exciting new series.