A review by aislingoh
Until the Final Hour: Hitler's Last Secretary by Traudl Junge


I just don’t think anyone is really that naive, really this bordering on the very stupid I don’t care how young you were. Do you really want to read a book written by a stupid person? I think I would have more respect for her if she was a raging anti Semite then this laughable self serving account. I am reminded of the part in Downfall when Hitler is making his last will and she seems terribly surprised by his anti Semitism. Didn’t know what was going on around you, really?
I found it boring and self serving so much so that some of it was bordering on the humorous, I think this must have been written in a time when there was some credibility for the “oh it was all a big secret, we never knew what was going on” story of German history, this has been widely discredited years ago.
You could also forgive this element of the book if it was remotely interesting but its not. It contains boring details of Hitler’s life with very little new details added. Reads like somebody cashing in on a connection they had rather then any real insight.