A review by mandym
The Retribution by Val McDermid


Firstly, I would like to state that I received this book via the Goodreads first read program.

I have seen Val McDermid work play out on the TV screen when "Wire in the Blood" was serialised, which was my introduction to Carol Jordan and Tony Hill but I had never read any work by this author until now.

During the whole time reading this book I had Robson Green in my head, and felt that he certainly seemed a good fit for the role.

I was impressed that the chapters moved quickly from scene to scene,and anyone who likes fast paced books will probably like this. Credible characters, gritty northerners, which may seem like stereotyping, but stereotypes exist for a reason.

Two murderers on the loose at the same time, each escalating in their own way, so time is of the essence. As I read through the book, I realised I was getting nearer and nearer to the last page, without any sign of a conclusion, and when it eventually came it was almost over before you could digest it!

I enjoyed the book and would read more of Val McDermid, just to see if the same modus operandi is used for her other work - steady build up and then just a "bang" at the end to conclude.

Despite the quick finish I still enjoyed this enormously, so for me it is a 4 star review.