A review by lifeandliterature
Unrequited by Emma Grey


Her heart practically stops.
Angus Marsden, after an epic concert. Hot. Shirt clinging to his body, top buttons undone. Obviously hyped on the thrill. Eyes wide. Locked on Kat.

I have been in a reading slump to rival all reading slumps. The back end of September has been full of books that for one reason or another failed to be overly impressive. Going into Unrequited, I have to say that I put a whole lot of pressure on it to impress me so that I would be able to say a big see ya later to that slump. And impress it did. Beyond all my wildest dreams.

Kat Hartland is none too happy when her Mum informs her that she will have to be the one to accompany her sisters to the Unrequited concert. Kat is not a fan. At all. She can think of much better ways to spend a few hours than enduring their brand of music. Five Seconds of Summer they are not. But who knew that those few hours are going to see Kat meet a gorgeous McDreamy med student on the train and have Unrequited's Angus Marsden searching Sydney, Cinderella style for the girl in seat L26.

Her heart takes off. She's never been this close to a boy before. Ever. Can he hear her heartbeat? She hopes not and wants to Google it: 'Can a person hear your heartbeat when sitting beside you?' Can she hear his? She edges her ear closer to his chest...

I loved Kat so much. She was so down to earth and relatable, despite her brush with fame. I love a female protagonist who is strong, but has flaws, and isn't whiny. She was so witty and her inner dialogue was a blast to read. Being inside her head was the best fun!! She was so perfectly written. Everything about her was so real. Her worries over who she was going to go to the formal with, what to order on a coffee date, and what exactly that boy means when he says or does something. It was just as I remember when I was her age.

I loved both Angus and Joel and was so torn with who I wanted Kat to be with. Both boys are so different, but they are both so caring and protective. They both have Kat's interest at heart and only want what's best for her. But as the story went on there was no denying that my heart was slowly but surely falling for Angus. He was the perfect book boyfriend. He managed to get himself into some crazy situations that I couldn't help but laugh at, but he also managed to pull at my heart strings as well.

That's the thing with Unrequited. They're so much more than a band. So much more than their success and their fame and their album sales. It's family.

Unrequited is told from quite a few points of view. Normally, I like to have a story told from two voices, three at the most. But this just worked so perfectly. It was such a fun read. I was completely drawn into the story and invested in the characters from the very first page. I don't think that there was a point when I didn't have a huge face splitting grin. I'm so glad that I was at home by myself to read it, because I'm sure anyone who saw me would have thought me a bit loony as I giggled and laughed my way through this wonderful story.

I love, love, love reading books set in Australia. I always feel this huge sense of pride. We have such a beautiful country, so it more than deserves to be showcased in books. I love that I could recognise all the places around Sydney that were mentioned throughout the story. I could picture everything happening so vividly, because these were places that I visit regularly.

Emma Grey's writing was so incredibly wonderful. Her characters were flawed, realistic and so incredibly likeable. She had me laughing, she had me swooning, and she had me falling in love. I want a copy of Unrequited for my bookshelf, because I can guarantee that this is a book that I will be be reading again and again.

'You know I'm not a fan of the band, either, but there's something about the guy...'
'The eyes?'
She laughs. 'And the rest!'

5/5 Big Shining Stars