A review by redhairedashreads
The Witchkin Murders by Diana Pharaoh Francis


Wow! This was so good. This was a fascinating world with amazing characters.

Magicfell was an explosion of magic that revitalized and unleashed magic upon the world. Old creatures came back to life and some humans found they were no longer human. Kayla, a ex-cop, left the force right after magicfall when she realized she was a shifter. Four years later she comes across a magical murder and calls in her old partner, Ray, to investigate.

I really loved all the characters in this book. Kayla was strong, powerful, and was born to be a cop. I really loved her shifted side. It was very unique and mysterious. Ray a good cop who is really stubborn. He knows he messed up with Kayla and is trying to fix their relationship, and take it further. I really enjoyed their struggle to overcome their past and have a future relationship.

I can't wait to read the next book.

*ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.*