A review by claudiaswisher
Remnants of Glory by Teresa Miller


My friend Teresa has written a wonderful book that shows us what life was like in the new state of Oklahoma. Kate Harvey -- Dexter -- is a perfect heroine: passionate, smart, compassionate. She faces so many challenges in her life, she takes the blows that life inevitably sends our way. She learns the lessons her mother needed her to learn: bend a little or you'll break; life is work; a body's got to take what comes; there are no free lessons in this world. We meet Kate when she's 90 years old, trying to adjust to life in a nursing home, and then flash back to her amazing life and family. By the time we are reaquainted with her, back in the nursing home, we know she has learned from her mistakes and her trials. She may believe she's settled for 'remnants of glory,' but I see a survivor who's triumphed and deserves to be proud of her journey. Kate will continue to be a good friend.