A review by mehsi
Giant Days Vol. 7, Volume 7 by John Allison


Yay, a new Giant Days Volume, this time with Christmas, weird parents, bickering, romance, and more.

The first chapter is all about Christmas! Normally I am not too big on reading out of season stories, but with the weather still being in winter-mode, I don't mind it that much. Plus it was fun to see the girls' families again. I did feel sorry for Susan though. All she wants is a fun family time, but instead she got sharks as sisters (with children) and her parents are constantly bickering about everything (even the silliest things). I had such a laugh at Susan's grandma and also when that one sister popped up out of nowhere. In the mean time Esther and Daisy are having the time of their lives at Daisy's grandma's house. Esther wasn't supposed to be there, but she got tempted by the promise of pie! :P

Then there is a ton of other things happened. Ingrid and Daisy are a bit struggling, and I was really worried about them. I am still not the biggest fan of Ingrid (though dang she got some fine abs), but I am still wishing that those two stay together. They make the cutest couple. Though why in heaven's name did Ingrid draw THAT on the wall.

As for who Susan's is romancing? Well, it was no surprise. There are hints about it since the first chapter in this volume. Plus I was always hoping for them to get back together, especially with the way they parted. I am quite curious about the reactions of Esther and Daisy when they find out.

Esther also gets her chance to shine when she gets outed on her knowledge. She is always acting like she knows all the things. Even Susan and Daisy were surprised that she was that oblivious to all the things. Then again I don't blame her, politics and all that is just super-boring. But I am glad she at least tried to go for it. Sure, it turned into something else entirely when she met that person, but eh, that is Esther for you. I did have a laugh at the end though. She was so proud and then learns that.

The only chapter I didn't like, and which was quite a struggle, was chapter 26. I just didn't like it at all it was boring, plus I am much more interested in the girls, their lives are just way more interesting to read about. Plus Dean is just so urgggghhhhhhh. I get that you want to try out foods and all that, but also keep your fellow housemates in mind when making food. Do you really want to gas them to death with disgusting foods? The only things I did like were what Esther did at the end (a bit mean, but it was quite hilarious), and the whole game setting.

So a lot is happening in this volume and I was, with the exception of chapter 26, not bored. I just so adore the art it is so pretty. Oh, and I had quite a laugh at the present Esther got for Susan. Will she ever figure out how to wear it or is she going for Daisy's suggestion? ;)

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/