A review by nicolemhewitt
Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I have absolutely adored this series!! In this final installment, we get a new romance between Sofia and Gideon, but we also get all of our favorite characters back and LOTS of tie-ins to the previous two books. The first half of the book (or so) focuses on Sofia and Gideon - both of them have been trying to fight back against LaRoux Industries, but Sofia has also been running from an unknown entity who is stalking her, making her life a living hell at every turn. Gideon has lived his life in secret in a different way - hiding behind technology to do his worst to LaRoux. So neither of these two are able to trust easily, and the road to romance for them is paved with heartache.

Just when I was starting to get worried that the romance was going to be dragged out too long for my tastes, the story did a complete 180 and changed focus almost completely. I won't tell you exactly what happens, of course, but I will say that there's a catastrophic incident and everything goes haywire. Plus, this is when old friends are reintroduced. From that point on, the book was action-packed and exciting and full of pretty much everything I've loved about the series (but lighter on the romance at that point, which bothered some people - I was okay with that). One other noteworthy point - I loved the little snippets that we get at the beginning of each chapter from the Whispers' POV - this not only gave us lots of their perspective on the humans they'd been dealing with for three books (and before), but also brought us to the eventual thrilling end! I did feel like this book moved a little slower than the others for me at first, so I give this installment 4.5/5 stars.