A review by bookph1le
The Female Persuasion by Meg Wolitzer


I have mixed feelings about this book. I thought the characters were so well done and so complex, and I really liked what Wolitzer had to say about feminism. The book considers it from so many angles and doesn't try to downplay the intricacies of modern feminism, and what a thorny topic it can be. I also really liked the portrayal of the relationships between Zee and Greer and between Greer and Cory.

My real problem with this book, though, is that it doesn't feel like a novel to me so much as a bunch of knitted-together short stories. I didn't get a sense of an overarching plot or that the characters were moving toward anything. I have no problem with novels that are concerned mostly with being character studies, but while I did enjoy the characters in this book, something about it was incomplete to me. Maybe it was because it felt lacking in an overarching story to me, which made me feel more like I was reading a bunch of character portraits than a cohesive story. Whatever it was, while I did like this novel and admired the writing, I can't help but feel kind of lukewarm about it.