A review by tartbarbie
Witchy, Witchy by Penelope King


I received this from Penelope King to provide a honest review.
This is the story of Calista McCoy teenage girl who used to live in the Louisiana Bayou until a strange woman offers her father a job in sunny California. Calista isn't like your normal teenage girl, she has special talent's, like being able to sense peoples emotions, move things with her mind, with a new start in California she decides to stop doing magic and try to be normal. Upon arriving at her new home Calista instantly meets Nicholas a New York bound guy who takes her breath away and she can't stop thinking about him. She quickly learns that Ana the owner of the house is her long lost grandmother she never knew she had and that she's not the only one with special abilities. Calista can't get Nicholas our of her mind or that she's not alone in her gifts with Ana's help, she sets off for a new chance at a new school where she meets Lily and Sophie also morningstar witches as that's what young witches are called. They instantly form a strong bond. But it's not call easy either, with the good that the witches do there are those who aren't so good those who hundreds of years ago ruined it for all, now a long time enemy is on the hunt protected by amulet necklaces the girls are protected. The Hunters as they are called are decedents of victims of dark witches cursed by gypsies to hunt the witches and kill them. Danger lurks in the shadows but come screaming forward when everything in Calista's happy world comes crashing down.
Oh Penelope you did it again, just like your demon series this is equally amazing in my opinion. The characters are well developed you can't help wanting to be them as you read. They are so well described I can see them all in my mind which is what I do when I read. The story pulls you right in keeping you wanting more as you read. What little girl didn't want to be a witch when she got older I know I did for a while then it became a shapeshifter but that's just me. Calista makes me wanna be a witch now....who wouldn't want to have dreams about Nicholas. I found the story easy to get into, and very enjoyable to read on a rainy afternoon. I can see myself picking up this series down the road and re-reading it again because it is so enjoyable. It's just got it all a girl I could relate too, a handsome mysterious man, magic, and of course the danger. Awesome I love it!!