A review by sierraknits
Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor

Did not finish book. Stopped at 54%.
As many others have said, I really wanted to like it. 

None of the characters are well fleshed-out. Even this far through I have no sense of what the main character is like. When it's mentioned that she enjoys painting, I was so confused, because she is never mentioned to be artistic at all. This seemed like a strange detail added with nothing to support it. 

The characters are supposed to be in their 30s, but their actions are like teenagers. Despite having numerous female characters, there seems to be a real lack of meaningful interaction, and lots of catty name calling. It feels immature and off-putting, and I'm surprised nobody has been described as 'shrill' so far. Also, it seems like everyone is white, and the one character with, "dark hair and dark eyes" is bad.

What really killed it for me was the treatment of serious concepts.
Sussman attempts to rape Max, films video of violating her in her sleep, and attempts murder, and yet she asks for his name to be recognized on the dinosaur presentation? Are you kidding me? In addition, management forbids her from telling anyone about what he did. It's absurd. Then there's a sex scene out of nowhere, which feels unbelievable.
From reading other reviews, I've been tipped off to some more disappointing plot points ahead, so I decided to stop here. 

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