A review by victoriakleinco
The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte


I'm not going to ramble on about how this book "changed my life" or is a beacon of hope to those that feel lost. Don't get me wrong - it's a great book (as you can tell from my 4-star rating), but I'm not going to paint some fancy picture for you.

I've thought about reading this book since the day that it came out, but I waiting until now to do so. Why? Because I was ready. I was ready to be brutally honest with what I loved about my life + why it was shitty. I wanted to FINALLY make big changes, even if that means making them slowly + progressively. I finally wanted to understand a bit more about myself + what I truly need.

At first, I was worried that this book would be a bit too woo-woo (and as a Yoga teacher, that's saying something!), but gladly, it wasn't. Yeah, there is mentions of God and Spirit ... etc., but you can interpret the meaning any way that works for you. My main concern on the woo-woo front was that it would be to light + fluffy without any real substance - without enough guidance.

Thankfully, there was just enough support and suggestion to know what to do next, but also enough space to really contemplate your life on your own terms. Personally, I recommend this book to everyone, but you do need to be in the right place mentally to make the most of it.